In The episode(Secret of My excess),Fans think rarity took "Spike's birthday dinner because she wanted it"
Facts:Spike was inspired by rarity's generosity,and gave her the fire ruby.
Rarity then kissed spike(Twice),So spike had the best B-day ever.
So there,your misconception solved!
Photo By:"Rarity is so selfish,she only cares for herself,rather than actually other ponies"
Facts:Rarity is the element of generosity,but she isn't supposed to give away everything
She does care about her beauty most of the time,but she goes to her friends when they need her
help.In The episode "Look before you sleep",She didn't mind getting dirty to help her friends. Photo by: I Just found a wonderful statement that i have to share with you!By: People need to stop hating Rarity for reasons that are false. She's not a snob. She is generous. She doesn't whine all the time. A lot of people put Rarity as the bad one in Sister Hooves Social and think Sweetie Belle is innocent. That episode is why I doubt a lot of bronies have younger siblings. In Sleepless in Ponyville, we can tell that Sweetie Belle is happy to pull Rarity's stuff. Besides, Rarity didn't want to go in the first place, but she did anyways. Actually, it doesn't matter what Rarity does good. If a Rarity hater can't deny that she did something good, they will twist it around. Take Suited for Success for example. They said she only made her friends the new dresses so she would look good at the Grand Galloping Gala. Sure, there may be some Rarity haters who hate her for actual reasons, but most seem to hate her for things that aren't true. She definitely needs a lot more love. So That's some misconceptions solved. |
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